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Creating a XLSX Import File for Learning Objectives

Manually adding elements to the learning objectives repository is time-consuming, but it is possible to import a finished structure from a XLSX file.  The import file must be built using a specific structure, and an example file is available for download from the platform.  To access, navigate to the Learning Objective Repository, select your hierarchy, and then click on the ellipsis.  In the dropdown, choose Import curriculum.  The example file will be hyperlinked in the Import screen.

The file must have five columns:



A combination of alpha-numeric characters that must be unique.  If an ID already exists, the existing ID will be updated instead of created.
A reference to an ID that decides where to place the row in the navigation tree.  If you have a learning objectives that belongs in the category with ID 597, specify ParentID 597 for all rows that belong under this ID.  Without a ParentID the level will be created in the root folder.
Plain text and a maximum of 255 characters.
Plant text and a maximum of 2048 characters.
Identifies the element as a folder, subject, category, or learning objective.  Type must be one of ‘Folder’, ‘Subject’, ‘Category’, or ‘LO’ (LO is short for learning objective).  Typing anything else in this column will prevent the import.

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