Participants within a course may include guests, students, teachers, and administrators. There are several ways to enrol participants in a course. They may be added manually, through hierarchy synchronization, or through integration with your student information system. Before adding any participants to a course, users must first be added to your itslearning site.
Participants may also elect to join a course if it has been added to the site course catalogue. This option must be enabled by the teacher of the course (if permission is granted to the profile by your system administrator) and may be appropriate for professional or non-academic courses. (Go to: Course Settings >> Course Properties and Features >> Permissions)
To manually add participants to a course, choose participants in the white sub-menu in your course and then click ‘Add'.
From here, you can search for participants based on name, role, hierarchy, or another course.
When you have conducted your search, click on the participants you wish to add. Then, select the role you want them to have and choose ‘add'.
Note: More than one teacher may be added to a course. This allows teachers to collaborate on course content.