Creating and Deleting a Course


Courses are set up to teach a specific subject area, for example, 2nd grade math or AP Chemistry. Then, within a course, groups can be created for different periods or abilities. It is recommended that an organisation create a collection of rules that can be used when naming courses and folders in courses, as well as when giving courses friendly names that are easy for students to remember.  

Making a course

Making a course in itslearning is a pretty straight forward task.  When you are on the "Home/Course" page, you simply press "Create Course" on the upper screen.

A New page will appear, and you can insert the needed information

Give your course a name, define the organisation, and pick a colour that you like.  Click "Create", and your course is made. 

Using templates

You can also choose to insert content to the course from other courses/templates. You do that by clicking the text that says "Browse templates". 

This will open a new window:

If you pick one of these templates, their plans and resources will be moved into your new course.

Choose whether to copy plan dates, or if you want a message when the course is created. Courses with a lot of resources copied from a template can take a few minutes to make. 

The course overview page

This is what an empty course looks like.  We will look at all the features on this page. Lets start with the course menu.

The course menu

Overview It is the home page of your course. When you populate the course with plans, announcements and tasks, these will show up here. 
Plans The planner page is the core of courses. You can use it to build theme plans, weeks plans etc. It links to the calendar, and most of your planning, and the students work, can be done here. 
Resources is the ‘filing cabinet’ of the course, with the folders and resources of the course easily available.
Reports Contains the assessment record/gradebook and other reports like for instance individual learning plans reports.
And the 360° Degree Reports allow teachers and tutors to quickly compare the progress of all students in the course to determine which students might need some additional help.
Participants Is where you can add/remove and group participants in your course.
... (more) Where you can find:
- Links: is where you can insert course specific links. For instance you could link to wolfram alpha in a math course.
- Student View: you can choose to view the page as one of your students, or other available profiles. This can be a nice feature if you want to see what the course looks like from a students point of view.- Settings: where you can find: Course properties and features, Learning Objectives, Assessment Settings and the Trash Can.


Quickly add a resource to the course

In the Course Menu, choose Resources. The green button makes it so you can quickly add a resource to your course. Note that this will not connect the resource to a plan, so you will have to manually add the resource to the plan at a later time. 


 Announcements is a handy tool to give out information to all the course participants. You can welcome the students, share information, pictures and other resources. You can also schedule announcements. Simply, add text and a picture (or resource) and hit "Add announcement".

If you want to schedule it for a later date, press "Options"

 Comments makes it so no one can comment the announcement. a small bubble with a line trough it will appear next to the name of the announcement.
 in multiple courses does just that - you can choose other courses where the same announcment will be shared.

Makes it so you can schedule the annoucment for a later time and/or date

Follow-up tasks

 Students will see a list of tasks (assignments, tests, surveys, custom activities) to complete. Instructors/Teachers will view "Follow-up Tasks" to assess.


List important events in a course, these are linked to the Calendar. You can also open the Calendar directly from the Course Overview page.

Latest changes

Any changes made by the teacher to the course will be reflected here.

How do I delete a course?

Deleting a course is something we wouldn`t want you to do by mistake - so we hid it a bit. 

Go to course settings:

  • More (...)
    • Settings
      • Course properties and features

 and push the three dots and delete

A new page will show up, where you press delete once more: 

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