The Rich Text Editor

At lot of places in itslearning, you will work with the Rich Text Editor, also known as the Editor. Besides the option to format text, here, you will find numerous functions to integrate media of all kinds.

In some cases, you might initially see a reduced version of the editor, where not all functions are displayed. Clicking on "More options" will expand the hidden icons again.

First, you will find the usual functions for formatting your text. The symbols and functions should be familiar from other word processing programs, and you can choose font, formats etc. 

In the next part you can lower and highten the text on the line, increase and decrease indentations, make numbered or bullet points, and define witch language is used when writing:

 Then we have all the icons:

  Anchor: Sets a marker ("anchor") in a text that you can directly refer to with a link.
Link: Inserts a link, for example, to another webpage or an anchor.

When you paste a link, the editor will try to embed the content behind this link.  There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • Embed code can automatically be retrieved (via Embed).
  • There is no embed code behind the link, but the editor can build an object based on the metadata of the page.
  • No object can be created and the link will be added as a normal link.

Table: Inserts a table.
Smiley: Opens a selection of smileys to insert into the text.
Tree link: Inserts a link to a resource in the course you are in.
File from "My web files": Sets a link to a file in your personal storage area on itslearning.
image: inserts an image from the computer, or from your files in itselarning

Audio recording: Here you can record audio or upload an audio file.

Video recording: Here you can record a video or upload a video file.
WIRIS formula editor: Inserts mathematical symbols and formulas.
Embed video: Here you can embed a video from another webpage.
Teams-meeting: Here you can create a teams meeting for your course, and add the link to this page
Google meet: Here you can create a meet room for your course and add the link to this page
Extension library: Here you can access additional functions enabled for your platform.

In the next part of the menu, you can regret/go forward with things that you have already done in the editor windos as well as finding the shortcuts to the copy/paste function:

The last icon in the menu is the "source" button that shows all you have done in the window in in HTML-code. 

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