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Mass Message

With a mass message, administrators can send an instant message to a large group of people (a hierarchy). The Mass Messaging can be opened from the Admin menu. It's quick, easy, and mobile-friendly. 

You can also set the organisation/school as the sender in Mass Messaging, to inform recipients that the message is coming from their organisation. If you are sending to members of multiple schools, you can determine which school should be the 'sender'. 

Create a school message

1. Open your personal menu (profile picture on the top right), and in the personal menu, click in "Admin".

2. Select Mass messaging.

3. On the page that opens, you will see a list of school messages that have been sent. To create a new message, click New Message. 

4. Click Find Hierarchy. Select the desired hierarchy and confirm your selection with OK.

5. Select the recipients of the mass message. You can select Everyone or choose between individual groups (system and school administrators, teachers, students, guardians, guests, observers). Once you have selected groups, the box will turn green and have a check mark. 

6.  Enter the text content of your message in the empty field provided.

7. Now specify the sender. To do this, click on the small arrow to open the drop-down list. This tells the recipients of the school message which school/organisation wrote the message. If the message is to be sent to members of several schools or organisations, you can specify here which of these will be specified as the sender. The selection in the drop-down list is based on the hierarchy(s) specified. If no sender is displayed here, repeat step 5. 

8. If you forget to complete all the steps, you won't be able to send the message, and a notification will appear on the top of the page. 

See the video for more information on how to send mass messages to multiple users. 

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