Blogs in ePortfolio

The blog will be displayed as a part of the ePortfolio when it has been enabled (by the site administrator) and entries added. 

Blogs help you create and share blog posts, add and edit entries, and view comments (you can opt to disable comments). The blog layout conforms to the layout of the ePortfolio. 

  • The start page of the blog shows the 10 most recent blog posts.
  • Blog posts are shown in the navigation menu, grouped by month.
  • Draft posts are indicated in the navigation menu, but not shown to visitors.

screenshot of ePortfolio

Notification of new comments

The card on the ePortfolio start page shows how many new comments there are in the blog. In the example above, it shows '2 new comments'.

When opening the blog, the number of new comments is shown as a badge on the blog post.

New comments are also highlighted in the comment section of a blog post. 

Blog entries

Entries are categorized by date. According to user settings, the entries may be subscribed to via RSS and comments may be added.

To share a blog post or your entire blog, click the Share blog button to get the link. 


Email notification

You can set this in Your settings >> Alerts.

It is enabled by default, to ensure that users don't miss out on new comments. If you don't want to receive email notifications, you can either turn it off for the entire ePortfolio, or disable comments on the individual page or blog post.

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