ePortfolio Overview for students

itslearning provides various portfolios for student and staff use. 

The ePortfolio and its options are enabled via a site setting, so check with your school's system administrator if this has been enabled for your school. 

The portfolio option allows users to manage portfolios and it can be created for academic courses, professional development, or personal interests. 

You access the ePortfolio via your personal menu (click on your name in the upper right hand corner).

The ePortolio

  • Edit your profile: Click the ePortfolio and start by editing your profile. You can choose to add a picture and email address. 
  • About Me: this is where you introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your ePortfolio. Users can include various content within the ePortfolio.
  • Global settings: Then click the Global settings (top right of the ePortfolio screen). You can choose whether to show your blog and who gets access to your ePortfolio. You can also password protect your ePortfolio to limit access to only those who have permission to see your work.

There are three portfolios in itslearning: 

  • Working portfolio: projects you are working on or have completed.
  • Display portfolio: samples of a student's work.
  • Assessment portfolio: work that demonstrates whether you have met certain learning goals and/or requirements.

Note: The working portfolio and assessment portfolio will be automatically created for all participants if the portfolio assessment has been enabled by the teacher in a course (Course Settings > Course Properties and Features).

Create a portfolio

You can create as many portfolio pages as you like.

How to create a portfolio?

  • Click the "Add new portfolio" (+) button to add a portfolio.
  • Give your portfolio a title and choose a banner from the selection on the page. 

  • Choose who gets access to your ePortfolio and password protect your portfolio if you want to limit access. 
  • Click Save. You have now created a new portfolio. 

Each portfolio can have several categories. Example: An artwork portfolio can have categories for drawing, sculpture and painting. Give it a name, a short name and description. You can then save the categories. Each category will be shown as a folder.

You can then begin to add pages to your portfolio with the "Add page" button. Select which category to save your page to. If you don't add a category, the page will be saved under the category folders.

You can choose to share your entire portfolio (link in your profile) or individual portfolios (Share portfolio tab under the banner). You can also download and share your portfolio as a zip package (Note: Blogs are not exported.)

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