Assessment Portfolio

The Assessment portfolio is an extension of the ePortfolio. It can be used to demonstrate sample work completed by a student in their courses, and show competency and growth. 

The Assessment portfolio is only available if the teacher has activated the Portfolio Assessment setting in Course settings. This portfolio is tagged to the relevant course.

As a student, to access the Assessment portfolio (and the Working Portfolio), you have to

1. Choose the course

1. Click in the "Reports" tab

Clicking the Assessment portfolio will take you to your ePortfolio page within course. So, you will continue to see the Course menu because Assessment and Working portfolios are linked to the respective course. 

In portfolio settings you can choose a banner and determine who has access to your Assessment portfolio. 

You can add pages and begin building your portfolio. 

You can create categories to organize elements in your Assessment portfolio.

You can also transfer items from your Working portfolio to the Assessment portfolio. Choose the category or if there is no category specified, the element will appear in the main Assessment portfolio page. 

The portfolio can be shared (via a link) or exported as a zip file. 

Because the Assessment portfolio is linked to a student’s ePortfolio, it will remain intact even when a course is completed. 

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