Editing the Gradebook/Assessment Record

Before reading this document, please read the Gradebook /Assessment Record Overview.

Editing and Deleting Columns

A down arrow in each column header opens a dropdown list where Edit and Delete options are available.

"Edit" will take you to the edit screen for that particular item.


"Delete" will first as you to confirm that the assignment is intended to be deleted. 


If confirmed, it will remove that assignment from the Gradebook screen. However, it will not delete the actual assignment, unless it is a Final Assessment or Manual Assessment. 

When the term is set to complete, Final Assessments cannot be deleted.


When hovering on column headers and cells which contain overflow text, a tool tip will show up with the following information:

  • Entire assessment title
  • Deadline*
  • Category name* 
  • Category weight*
  • Assessment weight*
  • Course average

*This information will only appear if the course or element is utilizing these features



Extra User Information for Students


There is optional functionality to add an additional fixed column to the right of the student column to display additional identifying information. This is often used when multiple students in the same course share the same name.

There are two default options available:

  • Username
  • Synchronization key

Custom columns, such as "Age" can be added and will appear as options in the dropdown menu.

Filtering, sorting and searching


The Gradebook can be filtered by groups and categories.

If groups or categories do not exist, you can create them respectively via the dropdown menu.

If groups have been created in the course, there will be options in the dropdown menu to filter by one or many groups.


If categories have been created and linked to elements within the Gradebook, category choices will appear and one or many can be selected by which to filter the Gradebook. If elements exist in the Gradebook that are not linked to a category, an option for "Uncategorized" will exist.

screenshot categories



The user can choose to sort Gradebook columns by title or deadline. If sort by deadline is chosen, any assessment without a deadline will be displayed last. By default, Gradebook columns will be sorted by title. 

Score view 

The user can choose to view the Gradebook cells in either score or percentage values. 

Search bar

The search bar is located in the upper-right corner of the Gradebook screen and can be used to search for students by first and/or last name. If enabled, students can also be searched by username, sync key or age. 

Adding to Gradebook

Select the 'Add to Gradebook' button

To add an existing assessment or new column click the Add to Gradebook/Assessment Record green button.

  • Existing assessment: A user can add an assessment that already exists in itslearning but was not initially added to the Gradebook. If all elements that can be assessed are already included, and you don't have any existing elements that can be added, this option is not available. It will be visible, but disabled.
  • New column: Add a new Gradebook column, with a title, term, category (optional) and scale. This is often referred to as "manual assessment". You can choose to set this column as a final assessment. If you are using terms, an admin must create a Term assessment in the "Terms" section of the admin panel before you can add final assessments in the Gradebook.  

Add Assessmentscreenshot add assessment


Term dropdown



The Gradebook can be filtered by Term. Terms are added by administrators on the organization level. 


Complete term toggle 

When a Final Assessment is created in the Gradebook, the "Complete term" toggle will appear next to the term drop-down. The user may use the toggle to complete the term on the course level. The toggle may be reverted by the teacher as long as the head teacher has not completed the term on an organization level. Once a term has been completed, the Final assessment may no longer be deleted. 

screenshot confirmation

Student view

Individualized Student Gradebook                screenshot student view gradebook

The student view of the Gradebook displays an aggregated summary of an individual student's performance in a course. The student view can be filtered by term and sorted by either title or deadline.

If categories exist, assessments will be grouped by category. An average will be calculated for each category. The overall average for each scale used in the course will be visible above the individual assignments.

Accessing student Gradebook as a teacher

For teachers, they can access a particular student's Gradebook summary by clicking either the student's name or profile picture in the Gradebook screen.

Accessing Individual Gradebook Report as a Student

Students can access their individual Gradebook report by using the pull-out menu accessed by clicking on their profile settings in the upper-left corner.

Additional feature documentation:

Gradebook/Assessment Record Settings 

Adding to the Gradebook/Assessment Record 

Assessment Settings

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