How to add content and manage portfolios in itslearning


Adding content to a portfolio could not be easier with the ePortfolio 2.0. 

Just click the 'Add page' button or add content from courses by transferring them from the working portfolio.


  • Copy Pages
  • Export a portfolio
  • Share a portfolio
  • Assess an assessment portfolio
  • Blog

Copy pages

Pages can be easily copied between portfolios. 

This is particularly useful when making a shared portfolio covering multiple courses or subjects. 

Simply click the 'Copy' button and chose which portfolio to copy the page to.


To structure the portfolio, pages can be organized in categories:

  • Move a page to a category by selecting the category when editing the page
  • Add, reorder and remove categories from the Manage categories button in the navigation pane

Students who have a course with a working portfolio, can transfer content from the course to a portfolio. This is a great way to include content, such as assignment answers, that you would like to highlight and reflect upon in your portfolio.

Export/Download portfolios 

A portfolio can be exported to a zip-format, containing all the pages, comments and attachments. 

Go to the Start page of the portfolio where you will find the option to export portfolio on the menu. 

Export your entire portfolio: A student can easily download the entire ePortfolio as a zip package. When selecting Download ePortfolio, the process of combining all the contents into a zip file is started. This may take a while, depending on how much data there is in the portfolios. Once the download is ready, it will be available for download. 

Note: Blogs are not exported.

Share a portfolio

In the same menu as 'Export portfolio' you will find the 'Share portfolio' button. Click 'Share portfolio' to get the URL to the portfolio. This URL can be shared, but access to the portfolio is controlled by the Access level set in Portfolio settings to determine who is allowed to see your portfolio: 

screenshot eportfolio access

Access permission Who has access
All users of this site

All users on the site will have access to your portfolio.

This option lets you set a password, so only users with the password will see your portfolio.

Available on the Internet

Any user with the link can open your portfolio.

This option also lets you set a password, so only users with the password will see your portfolio

Only me

Only you. Note that course teachers always have access to assessment portfolios.

Your courses and projects

Students and teachers in your courses will have access to your portfolio.

Assessing an Assessment Portfolio

Teachers can also check and assess an Assessment Portfolio with the ePortfolio 2.0. Portfolio assessment can be enabled from the Course > Reports > Assessment portfolio, and by selecting Portfolio settings from the menu.

When portfolio assessment has been enabled, teachers can set the assessment when viewing the assessment portfolio: 

This is how the students will see their teachers' comments in their Assessment Portfolio.

The assessment is only visible to the teacher and the student.


The blog tool is available from your ePortfolio start page, once the student enable this option on your Global Settings.

  • The start page of the blog shows the 10 most recent blog posts
  • Blog posts are shown in the navigation menu, grouped by month
  • Draft posts are indicated in the navigation menu, but are not visible to visitors
  • Users now have an even better overview of new comments, and where the comments have been made:
    • The card on the ePortfolio start page shows how many new comments there are in the blog
    • When opening the blog, the number of new comments is shown as a badge on the blog post
    • New comments are highlighted in the comment section of a blog post.

Configure e-mail notification can be found under 'Your settings' >> 'Alerts'. It is enabled by default. If you don't want to receive e-mail notifications, you can either turn it off for the entire ePortfolio, or disable comments on the individual page or blog post.

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