ePortfolio in itslearning


itslearning provides an ePortfolio for all users. Users may access their ePortfolio in their personal menu by clicking on their name in the upper right-hand corner of the platform. 

Teacher view

Student View

Portfolios can be created for academic courses, professional development, or personal interests.

To see available disc space, click Global Settings on your ePortfolio Start page.


There are two types of portfolios: 

  1. Assessment portfolios that are connected to courses
  2. Portfolios created by the user. 

Both portfolios behave mostly the same, but the assessment portfolio has a few difference features:

  • Assessment portfolios are created automatically for courses that has portfolio assessment
  • Teachers can override the access permission for assessment portfolios 
  • Assessment portfolios can be set to only give access to students and teachers in the course
  • Assessment portfolios can be assessed by the teacher

How you build, customize and give access to the portfolio are the same for both portfolio types.

Feature description:

  • Card layout when you open ePortfolio 
  • 'About me' section on the left side of the ePortfolio page
  • Banner layout and navigation in the left menu
  • Portfolio items are now called 'Pages'
  • Blog

The ePortfolio start page

The start page of the ePortfolio shows all your portfolios. 

Students will find the new 'About me' section on the left menu where they can add a profile picture and some information about themselves. 

Click each card to open the ePortfolio.


The portfolio shows you all the pages you've added to it, and can be categorized into folders.

Create a new portfolio

To create a new portfolio, simply click the Add new portfolio-card, give it a title (and a banner) and click Save:

Exam portfolio

Assessment portfolio

An assessment portfolio is a portfolio that is connected to a course. The purpose of the assessment portfolio is to showcase student coursework. The course teacher can configure the course to use Portfolio assessment, in which a Working portfolio and an Assessment portfolio becomes available to students in the course.

Teachers will find this feature in the 'Reports', while students will see the options in the 'Course' menu.   

The assessment portfolio is connected to a student’s ePortfolio so that when a course is completed, the assessment portfolio remains intact. The ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner allows the student to edit the portfolio settings.

Now that you are all set - you can start adding content to the ePortfolio. 


Can I lock an assessment portfolio so no changes can be made?

No, you cannot lock a portfolio for changes. Users had previously commented that it was a cumbersome process to lock and unlock portfolios.  

Can I add external links?

The list of external links have been discontinued and are no longer shown in the new ePortfolio. itslearning apps/modules are also no longer accessible in ePortfolio as this was a little used feature. 

Can I make anonymous comments? 

No, you cannot leave comments anonymously. This is to ensure security and data privacy, but also to avoid spamming in the portfolios, especially of younger children.

How do I know how much disc space I have

To see available disc space, click Global Settings on your ePortfolio Start page.

Additional reading

Using the Working Portfolio to assess assignments 

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