How Students Can Report Abusive Messages

There may be situations where abusive or unwanted messages are sent to another student or in a group conversation. The reporting feature appears on individual messages and on group conversations.

Please, note that the feature is not yet available in the mobile app.

Reporting single messages

Abusive messages can be reported to a teacher. The option is available on individual messages in any conversation type (other options in the menu might vary depending on conversation type and sender):

The option is not available on your own messages.

How to report a message?

  • When a student reports a message written by another classmate, they can choose which teacher to send the report to.

  • The student who has reported the message, in this case Mary, will get a banner saying that the report has been sent.

  • For any other participants in the same conversation, the message looks normal.
  • The report shows up in a 1-1 conversation with the selected teacher:

  • For the teacher, the message shows up with an option to remove it:

  • When a message is deleted, all participants in the conversation will see that a teacher deleted it. However, the identity of the person who reported the message will remain anonymous, except in one-on-one conversations.

Reporting group conversations

  • A group conversation created by adding individual users can also be reported as a whole:

  • As for individual messages, the report is sent as a message to a teacher.

  • When a conversation is reported, the person who reported it will see the ‘reported conversation’ as a one-on-one conversation with the teacher. If a conversation with that teacher already exists, the report will be added to it.
  • The teacher will see the report in the conversation with the reporter and get the option to enter the group conversation.

  • Once in the group conversation, the teacher can either delete any individual messages, close the conversation, or delete it completely.

  • Deleting individual messages will affect everyone in the conversation:

  • Closing the conversation will also affect everyone in the conversation:

  • The teacher, in this case Teacher Jenny, is not a formal participant in the conversation and cannot be removed:

  • If the teacher deletes the conversation, participants can still view the conversation history but not send new messages. The teacher can also restore the conversation by accessing the original report.

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