Site Profiles

When you click the Profiles option in the administration tab, you see a large table with available functionalities.

They are explained in the table below.  The green check mark indicates that the functionality is enabled for the profile, while the red x indicates the functionality is disabled for the profile.

Questions to consider:

  • What profiles will you have within your site?  Default profiles include system administrator, administrator, staff, student, guest.
  • Looking at the following functionalities, which do you want to apply to each profile? For example, you might not want teachers to be able to make courses if you are creating template courses to distribute from the district level.

    Indicates whether the dashboard is available on the main landing page for this profile.
    Indicates whether the calendar is available for this profile.
    Resource booking
    Resource booking allows you to create resources – such as meeting rooms, laptop carts, etc. – and let other users book them in the calendar.  This option allows users to book these resources.
    Indicates whether the internal message system is available for this profile.
    Enable e-mail client
    Indicates whether this profile has access to the built-in e-mail reader.  (Note: this reader is a legacy functionality and is not available on new sites.)
    Multiple messages from online users
    Indicates whether users associated with this profile are allowed to select multiple users when sending messages from ‘Who is online?’.  (Note: this is a legacy functionality and is not available on new sites.)
    Search content
    Indicates whether this profile is allowed to search for content in the Search box.
    Search users
    Allows users to search for other users in the Search box.
    Detailed information about users
    Allows users to see detailed information about another user, even if that user has selected not to share the information.
    Private files
    Allows users to access a private file area.
    Web files
    Allows users to access the My web files function.
    Enable library
    Allows users to access the library.
    Sharing permissions
    This allows users to share elements to the library.  Sharing permissions are: none, school, site, community.
    Allowed to give reviews
    This setting allows users to write reviews of content in the library.
    Allows users to access the ePortfolio function.  Options also include the availability for the ePortfolio to be public on the internet.  ePortfolios include a blog and about me section.
    Personal settings
    Personal settings include user email, photo, alerts, and other details.  Do you want users to be able to change their settings?
    Allows user to subscribe to RSS feeds such as calendar notifications, course notifications, etc. within the platform.
    Allows user to use the Contacts tool – similar to an address book.
    Start URL
    Indicates the start page that users with this profile sees when logging in to itslearning.  The default is ‘Dashboard.’
    Allowed to use standard itslearning login
    Users can log in with a username and password maintained in itslearning. For user profiles that use only external authentication to log in, disable this setting. When disabled, the option to change the password will also be hidden from users' personal settings
    Create courses
    Allows users to create courses for either site or school.
    Create courses based on a template
    If templates are available, users will have access to a list of templates from which to create a course.
    Allowed to share a course as a template
    Allows users to share their course(s) as a template for other users.
    Allowed to apply a template to other courses
    Allows users to apply a course template to other courses.
    Access to course
    Indicates whether this profile has access to the Course tab, and as a result, their courses.
    Community course catalog
    Allows users to access the itslearning community course catalog, which is a global course catalog for the itslearning community.  Do you want students to have access to courses shared within the global itslearning catalogue?
    Site course catalog
    Indicates whether users with this profile will have access to the site course catalog.  It is similar to the above catalog; however, these courses are from within your site.  These might be professional development courses or courses for parents.
    Enroll in courses
    Allows users with this profile to enroll themselves in any course.  This can be restricted to the user’s school, or opened up to all courses on the site.

    Create communities
    Allows users to create a community.  A community is a sharing collaborative space at the site or school level.
    Access to communities
    Allows users to be invited to communities.  Users cannot be enrolled in communities unless they are invited, added by an administrator, or are the creator of the community.
    Profile Settings

    Security level
    Indicates the security level of the profile.  Advanced profiles have the highest security level.  For example: System administrators have 100 and Guests have 10.

    Note: The security level must be unique, for example, two profiles cannot both have a security level of 10.
    Allowed HTML code level
    This option allows the user to embed HTML into elements that they use.  There are three levels:
    • Less restricted: Common, harmless HTML code is allowed.
    • Restricted: The use of HTML code is restricted.
    • Highly restricted: The use of HTML code is highly restricted.
    Role in hierarchy
    The role this profile has in a specific hierarchy.  Available options are Administrator, Teacher, Student, and Guest.

    Global Settings
    Allows users to change the global settings for the entire site.
    Policy management
    Allows policy management.  These are allowances for special situations.  The policies override the default profile or user settings.  You are allowed to combine different settings in a policy, as well as combine different policies for a profile or user.  It is recommended that administrators have access to this option.
    Course management
    Allows users to manage courses.  This can be set at the site or school level.
    Community management
    Allows users to manage communities.  This can be set at the site or school level.
    User and access rights management
    Allows users to add and edit users.  This can be set at the site or school level.
    Itslearning app management
    Allows users to manage apps inside itslearning.
    Extended data for apps’ management
    Allows users to view extended data for apps within itslearning.
    Vendor access management
    Allows users to manage vendor access within itslearning.
    Workflow management
    Allows users to enable/disable use of workflow functionality.
    Supervisor management
    Allows users to the ability manage supervisors.  Supervisors are mentors and work with students (or teachers) to create individual learning plans.  (Recommended at the local, or school, level.)
    Hierarchy management
    Allows users the ability to manage hierarchies.  This implies adding, editing, and deleting hierarchies.  Hierarchies are typically schools or subsites.
    Letter templates management
    Allows users the ability to manage the letter templates available in itslearning.
    Resource management
    Allows users to add and edit resources available for checkout under the resource booking functionality.  (Recommended at the local, or school, level.)
    Advanced reporting
    Allows users access to the advanced reporting for the site.  Advanced reporting is an add on available for your site, if interested in purchasing it please reach out to your itslearning representative.
    API management
    Allows users the ability to manage APIs.
    View supplementary licenses
    Allows the users the ability to view/manage the supplementary licenses in itslearning.
    Search engine management
    Allows users the ability to add, edit, and delete search engines in Search Internet under the Search tab.
    Term management
    Allows users the ability to manage terms.  A term is a division of the year, a block of weeks during which the organization holds classes.  These divisions may be semesters, quarters, or trimesters, for example.
    Role in Developer Portal
    Allows users access to the Developer portal, so that these users may add LTI links to the platform.
    Learning objective repository management
    Allows users to add locally created standards to the platform for users to use in their course.  Adding of these standards can be done via an Excel file.
    Manage settings for learning objectives reports
    Allows users to manage report statuses and mastery rules for the itslearning progress report.  For example, what criteria must students meet to achieve mastery?
    Default Settings

    Automatic logout timeDetermines when users with the profile are automatically logged off after inactivity. For profiles with the hierarchy role 'Administrator', the default time is 30 minutes. For other profiles the default time is the same as before, 80 minutes. Maximum allowed inactivity is eight hours. The warning dialog is displayed 20 minutes before logout.
    Indicates the maximum storage quota (in kilobytes) that is allowed for this profile.  (1024 KB = 1 MB)
    Prevent users from changing their personal email
    Prevents users with this profile from changing their personal email address in their account settings.
    E-mail recipient limit
    Indicates the maximum number of users that users with this profile can send messages to simultaneously.  (0 = unlimited)

    Search for staff
    Allows users with this profile to search for staff in the platform.  This can be disabled, or if enabled, set to site level or school level.
    Search for students
    Allows users with this profile to search for students in the platform.  This can be disabled, or if enabled, set to site level or school level.
    Search for guests
    Allows users with this profile to search for guests in the platform.  This can be disabled, or if enabled, set to site level or school level.
    Search for members in own courses and projects
    Allows users with this profile to search for members of their own courses and projects in the platform.
    Initiate communication to staff
    Allows users with this profile to initiate communication to staff in the platform.  This can be disabled, or if enabled, set to site level or school level.
    Initiate communication to students
    Allows users with this profile to initiate communication to students in the platform.  This can be disabled, or if enabled, set to site level or school level.
    Initiate communication to guests
    Allows users with this profile to initiate communication to guests in the platform.  This can be disabled, or if enabled, set to site level or school level.
    Initiate communication to members of own courses and projects
    Allows users with this profile to initiate communication to members of their own courses and projects in the platform.
    Send e-mail externally
    Allows users with this profile to send e-mail externally.
    Default profile for external enrollment
    Indicates that this is the profile for users that are externally enrolled.  Note: Only one profile can be the standard profile.
    Map from profile
    Indicates that during synchronization or import this profile is mapped to a profile in the import.

    For example:  During an IMS import, the role Learner is mapped to the Student profile.  In this case you would enter Learner in the Map from Profile field.

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