How to use the planner



The new planner makes it even easier to create engaging and organised plans for you and your students. Let's start with how to create a plan and what options you have afterwards. In order to create a plan, you need to first create a course. See "creating a course" help article. 

When you have created a course , and you are on the homepage, it will look like this: 

Click on the course, and you will be taken to the course overview page. Click "Create plan".

Step two: Fill the plan with content

When you have clicked "Create plan", the window below will open. In it you can se several fields that you can fill out. 

Add image: This button does just that - you can insert an image from your computer to illustrate your plan. The picture will be shown on the plan, and plan card that will be visible on the overview page when you activate it. PS: You get the best results if the picture is in landscape. 
Add title: What should your plan be called? It differs a lot how people use the planner, so this could be everything from the week you are in, to the subject at hand.  
Add date: When you push this button, a popup window will give you the option to enter a date (and time) for activation, and deactivation, of your plan. You can slo connect the plan to spesific events in the callendar. (For instance, if you want to use this plan in the course on monday and wednesday, but another plan on tuesday)
Create TopicsTopics is used to group your plans and provide structure - Think of it as tagging your plan. The topics can be predefined, or you can make them as you go. It can be useful, for instance, if you have a basic and advanced part of the topic on different plans. (In my example, I will use "DNA" as a topic. 

The plan is not visible to students until you either toggle this swich, or the date of activation has arrived.
The description lets you make a description of your current plan. This can be used to provide your students with a context to the plan you are making. 
As long as you have connected learning objectives to your subject, you can choose from these to show what part of the curriculum you are working with. 
This is where you add what you want in the plan. The most common resources and activities are on the drop-down menu. If you press "show all", you can see all the resources and Activities we have to offer.  
For a detailed description on how to use the different elements, go to Course Resources on our help page.

Now that you have filled in everything in the planner, it might look something like this: 

Back on your overview page, the plan looks like this: 

The "plans" part of your menu:

When you open the plans menu, you can see an overview of the plans you have. 

They are divided into different tabs: 

  • Current on is the one that is activated - you can see all plans with current activation. 
  • Past plans will show you plans that are no longer active. 
  • Without date, shows you two plans that don`t have any dates on them yet
  • Topic will sort plans by the topic they are tagged with - and put them in a folder like this:

In the folder, you will find all plans tagged with "DNA", whether they are active or not: 

Under that you find these: 

Create plan does more of what you know; It opens a new empty plan for you to work in. 
Lets you set parameters of the plan you have:
Make visible/Invisible: Activates and deactivates your plan, regardless of date on the plan
Set date: You can set a date on one or more plans. If you check more than one plan, you can choose to start the first plan on a date, and have the next several plans activate automatically on a recurring schedule (for instance you can start the first plan, and have it close and the new plan open in two weeks, and then the next plan will open two weeks after that)
Connect to Calendar: Connect a calendar event to your plans. The plans’ date and time will be updated to match the event’s date and time.
Copy: Copy the plan to another (or the same) course.
Print: Want a hardcopy to hand out? This is the button for you :)
Delete: Delete the plan

Plan settings

Sometimes you want to have something different from the standard setup - this might be the place for you. 

Note! This setting regulates the settings for all your plans - its not an individual setting.

In the upper, right corner of the plans page, there are three dots. If you push it, you will find plan settings: 

Lets start with the first part: 

Plan Settings

Topics If the box is checked, plans with the same topic will be in a folder when you are in the "plans" page (seen above). 
Resource and activities  If you want separate fields for these two, you can toggle it here. 
Visbility By default, this setting is set to "manually" - you can choose to activate the plan automatically  from the drop down menu.

Under this you can choose if elements in the plan should automatically be visible when the plan is activated, or if they should follow their own visibility rules.
Anonymous access

Provides a link to this plan that you can for example post on the school’s website.

Topic fields

In this part of the settings, you can add fields to the plan and you can move around existing fields by drag and drop. You can also choose who can see different parts of the plan. This can be usefull if you want to take notes on how well a plan is working - you can make a text field for that in the plan, than only you can see. 

Student view:

On the overview page, this is what the student sees on the plan card. 

When he enters the card, this is what meets him: 

As you can see, the view differs slightly from the teacher - The student can see that he has started 2/9 activities, and three of the tasks is marked as homework. If the students click on a resource. they will see an overview of the things in the plan on the left hand side, and they can transition between the resources without opening new windows. 

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