Working on assignments

Once a teacher makes an assignment visible to students, the assignment will appear in the Task list/block on the homepage, the Updates page and in the mobile app. 

Students have several ways to submit the assignment answer (depending on instructions from the teacher):

  • Use the rich text editor to write their answer. Answers will be saved as a draft until the student submits the assignment. 
  • Use the rich text editor to record audio and video or embed a YouTube video.
  • They can upload a file from their computer/device or preferred cloud storage.
  • Write their answer in the copy of the assignment attached by the teacher (each student gets an individual copy)

The teacher may also answer on behalf of a student. This method can be used when the student is sick and submits their assignment after the deadline has passed, or has been allowed to submit the answer via email to the teacher. 


Teachers can send reminders to students who are late with their assignments. Students will see this as a notification. Click the bell icon to see the reminder. 


Group assignments

The teacher can create collaborative assignments via the 'Students submit as groups' setting. The teacher chooses between two options: 

Students create groups: students can freely create their own groups by inviting other students in the course

Use course group: students select the course group they are member of. These groups are usually predefined by the teacher. 

Students create groups

Students invite other students to work together on the assignment by clicking the 'Create your group' button in Assignments. It is not possible to work on the assignment until a student has created the group.


To create a group, students type in the name of the student(s) they want to collaborate with.


When saving the created group, invited members will get a notification that they have been added to a group.

In the assignment itself, the group members are shown at the top of the page. It is now possible to start answering the assignment.


To add or remove members, a group member can click the 'Edit group' button. This opens the same dialog as the one for creating the group. It is also possible to withdraw from a group. You will get a notification when you are added to a group or if a group member withdraws. 

Note: You cannot change the group once an answer is submitted.

Course groups

With course groups, a student can submit using one of the existing course groups they are a member of. These groups can be created and managed by the teacher.

Instead of 'Create your group', the assignment will show the button 'Select your group' which lists all groups the student is a member of.

As long as no one has answered, the student can select another group (if available) or choose to submit the answer on their own.

All group members will be notified when a student submits an answer on behalf of the group or when an answer is saved as a draft.


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