Course Overview

The course overview page provides aggregated information from any course. 

On the left, you will find:

  • Plans
  • Announcements
  • Latest Changes. 

While on the right you will find:

  • Events
  • Tasks:  which are prioritized by due date: Overdue, Due today, Due tomorrow, or Due later (upcoming tasks).

In this example, there is no task due today or tomorrow, so the earliest upcoming tasks are displayed.  

All courses have the same sections:

  • Announcements, 
  • Latest Changes
  • Tasks 
  • Events.

In addition, the itslearning Plans will populate on the course overview page if there are events in the planner that align with the current date. For example: If a teacher has 2 plans each week, one set for Wednesday and one that is set for Friday. Users logging in on Mondays will see both Plans, but any user logging in after Wednesday that week will only see the Friday plan as that is the one that is most relevant for the week.  

You can also access Events and Tasks from the tab Updates in the Main/Top Menu by clicking on the Updates button.

Note: Announcements on the "Updates" section are hidden after 6 months. You will still be able to see older announcements in your courses, unless your teacher has set a scheduled period for the announcements.

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