Course Cards homepage (student view)

Each card links directly to the course and students will see important updates like new announcements and their tasks this week. Teachers, meanwhile, will see their follow-up tasks.

Only teachers can edit the course cards.

Tasks: Students will see tasks that are due this week (Monday-Sunday) as well as new announcements.

New announcements disappear after the student has visited the course page.  


Under updates, you will be able to see all the recent announcements and tasks.

The task list displays the most immediate tasks for students, and hides tasks in the future by placing them in the 'Due later' section. Click 'Due later' to view these tasks.

  • Overdue: tasks will be automatically removed when they are 15 days past the due date
  • Due today: will be expanded by default
  • Due tomorrow: will be expanded by default
  • Due later: students will find all their upcoming tasks that have a deadline in the section. If there are no tasks that are due either today or tomorrow, you will see tasks that have the earliest due date within the week 
  • Other tasks: All tasks, including tasks without deadlines, will be listed in the respective course overview page.

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