itslearning home screen and top menu (student view)

This is the itslearning login page. You will only need one single sign-on to access all your learning.  

Use the username and password provided to you by your educational institution to log in. Do not share your password with anyone else. If another person has access to both your username and password, they could potentially exploit your itslearning account.

If the page is displayed in a foreign language, you can change to your preferred language by clicking the flag right at the bottom of the page.

screenshot log in page

When first logging into itslearning, your home screen will display the course cards homepage (default homepage) showing all the courses you are registered in, your tasks (or follow-up tasks), and upcoming events. If your school/teacher has chosen a different homepage, you will see that page instead. 

Main menu

 The main menu bar provides multiple options for navigation.  

  • Courses provides a list of your courses. Click ‘all courses’ to view courses in a full screen. You can favourite a course by clicking the star icon next to the course and turning it yellow. You can see when courses were last updated, visited, the status and your role in the course (student). The ‘show’ option will reveal active or archived courses. You can also enroll in community courses here. 
  • Groups gives you access to your communities and organizational dashboards. Communities (or Projects) are collaborative spaces in which you are a member. Dashboards can be enabled for schools/school networks/districts to use as informational spaces. 

screenshot dashboards communities

  • Calendar displays events scheduled in your courses or communities as well as an aggregated view of course planners.
  • Bell icon shows notifications from your courses or groups.
  • Speech bubble icon gives quick access to the internal messaging option.
  • Your photo and name gives you quick access to your personal settings menu.

Some other options may be available within your menu, depending on your school's profile settings. 

Mentor indicates that you have been assigned individuals or groups to mentor and develop individual learning plans. 

Apps and Tools provide resources, links or utilities specific to your school or district. 

Library free resources from itslearning, and access to shared resources from your school.

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