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Manage API and systems integration

Administrators have the option to manage integration of the IMS Enterprise Web Services, allowing users to build exciting learning tools, embed content or integrate existing applications into itslearning.  IMS Enterprise Web Services are used by some Student information system (SIS) to share users and groups with the LMS and other systems.

More information can be found at our development site:

Note : A site profile setting by a system administrator is required to gain access to Administration > Manage API and IMS Enterprise Web Services Management.

Manage API

In this Administration menu, you can enable or disable API access.

Manage IMS Enterprise web services

In this section of the administration you can add and remove integrations and view the logs (of the last 7 days). If you require log information that goes beyond this period or you have questions about integrations previously connected by our team, please contact itslearning support.

Are you planning a new integration with itslearning or do you want to connect other new applications and need assistance? Please contact your Account Manager.

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