The Library

The Library Overview

The itslearning Library is a dynamic resource hub designed to enhance your teaching experience. It allows educators to search for, share, and manage a wide array of educational materials. Whether you’re looking for specific content by keywords, author names, or learning objectives, the Library’s intuitive search functionality makes it easy to find what you need. Additionally, you can contribute your own resources to the community, fostering a collaborative environment where high-quality educational content is readily accessible.


Searching the Library

Simple type a keyword to find content in the library!

Users can search by:

  • Keyword
  • Author
  • Learning objective
  • Language
  • Format type
  • Provider

Results can be filtered by:

  • Learning objective
  • Grade level
  • Assessment type
  • Format type
  • Language
  • Author
  • Provider

Adding Your Own Resources

There are 2 ways to add a test or any content to the Library:

  • You can create it directly in the Library
  • You can create it in a Course and move it into the Library

In the upper right-hand corner, click the "Add resources" button to create a new element. You can then share your teaching resources with the itslearning community worldwide.

How to share/add content files on the Library?

The ability to add content depends on permissions set by your system administrator. There are four levels in the itslearning library:

  1. Your Collection: Contains files, links, pages, or assignments you have added.
  2. School Library: Contains elements shared by members of your school.
  3. District Library: Contains elements shared by members at the district level.
  4. itslearning Community Library: Contains elements shared by global itslearning users.

Permissions can vary, allowing different levels of access for searching and adding content.

Publishing Your Work/ContentWhen sharing content, complete all optional information to help users find it:

  • Description: Provide a short description.
  • Keywords: List helpful keywords.
  • Available to: Select the sharing scope (school, district, or itslearning community).
In the advanced options, you can add the information below:

  • Grade level: Specify the intended grade level(s).
  • Learning Objectives: Align with standards for mastery and recommendations.
  • Language: Specify the language of the content.
  • Allow copies: Decide if others can copy and edit the resource.
  • Intended for: Specify if the content is for students, teachers, mentors, etc.
  • Format: Indicate if the content is audio, video, image, text-based, or interactive.

Click ‘Publish’ to share the file with selected members or with the itslearning Community, depending on your chosen audience.”

The Library is an example of our ‘Open platform’ product strategy. Click the extended menu (three dots) at the top right corner to see what additional tools are available to you.

Once you have created the content you can do the following: 

  • You can start sharing this resource with other teachers
  • You can add it to a course by searching through the Library


Adding Course Resources to the Library

Individual elements can be added by clicking Add to Library. If you collaborate in a course with other teachers, only the teacher who has added the content - for example a Page - can move it into the Library.

Note: If you can't create a type of content in the Library, you can't also add such content to the Library. For example, you can't create a Registration in the Library, so you can't add any registrations to the Library either.  

To add content from a course to the Library:

  • Go to the individual resource page.
  • Click on the extended menu (the three dots)
  • Click Add to Library for individual elements.
  • Only the teacher who added the content can move it into the Library.

Note: If you can’t create a type of content in the Library, you can’t add it either (e.g., Registrations).

Co-authors in a content

You can add another teacher as a co-author of a resource. If removed as a co-author, the resource will be removed from your collection.

Adding a resource to your course

It is very simple to add a content to your course. 

Follow the steps bellow:

1. Type the keyword and press enter. You will see the results for the search.

2. Select the content of your choice and a window will open. You can choose between view the resource, add to and mark as favourite.

3. If you click on view resource, it file will open in another tab. If you choose "add to...", you will have three options: Add to a course, Add to a course plan and Add to your collection.

Your Collection in the Library

You can find "Your Collection" in the Library Menu bar. Your favourite items will be divided in:

  • Recent: the content in this page can be filtered by All, Test, File, Link and Microsoft Power Point
  • Favourites:the content in this page can be filtered Type (All and Test) and sorted by date of modification, title or author name. 
  • Created by me: the content in this page can be filtered Type (All, File, Link and Microsoft Power Point) and sorted by date of modification and title.  
  • Shared with me:the content in this page can be sorted by date of modification, title or author name. 
  • All:the content in this page can be filtered Type (All, File, Link and Microsoft Power Point) and sorted by date of modification and title.

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