Share and publish on the Library (merged with the main Library Article - 09/2024)

The ability to add content to the library depends on the permissions that were set up by your system administrator.  

There are four different levels in the itslearning library. 

  • Your Collection contains files, links, pages, or assignments that you have added to your own library. When you share something, you can choose the sharing scope: school, library or itslearning community. When you create something in the library, it's only available to you until you share it.
  • School library contains elements shared by members of your school.
  • District library contains elements shared by members at the district level or anywhere within the school district or network.
  • itslearning Community Library contains elements shared by global itslearning users.

Different permissions can be set up for searching and adding to the library. For example, you may only have rights to share with your school, but you may be able to search for and use district level elements. Alternatively, you may be able to search for and use elements at any level, but not be able to share elements at all.

When you start sharing, you should complete all the optional information requested to help users when searching for content.  Then click Publish.

The options include:

  • Description: provide a short description of the element
  • Keywords: list keywords that would be helpful when users are searching
  • Available to: from the drop-down list, select whether you want to share the item with your school, district, or the itslearning community
  • Grade level: what grade level(s) is this resource intended for?
  • Learning Objectives: what standards align with this element?  This is especially important for standards mastery and the recommendation engine.
  • Language: in what language is the element created?
  • Allow copies: do you want other users to be able to make a copy of your resource and edit their own version?
  • Intended for: is the element intended for students, teachers, mentors, etc.?
  • Format: is the element mainly audio, video, image, text-based or interactive?

Once you are ready to share or publish your work, you can do so via the the Library. 

Click Share if you only want to share with select members from your school network or click Publish to share with the itslearning Community via the Library.

Related content:

Searching in the library

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