Notifications and Messages

When you log on to itslearning, you will immediately see if you have a new message or notification on the top banner menu.

The bell icon provides notifications and the speech bubble icon gives you quick access to the internal messaging option.

Teachers will receive notifications in several instances, including when: 

  • they receive a project invitation
  • they are added to a hierarchy 
  • reminders are sent by a mentor or headteacher
  • a resource booked via the calendar is changed

While students will be notified in these instances: 

  • a new announcement is posted in a favourite/starred course 
  • they receive a project invitation 
  • they get an attendance mark or behaviour remark
  • assessment or feedback is available on a test, assignment or task

*Students will not receive notifications for unstarred courses. To do this, go to the course cards homepage and unstar the course. 

Internal message system

Meanwhile, the internal message system is how you send messages to groups, or a group of course or project participants, or simply to send messages to teachers or students who are using itslearning without having to leave itslearning. 

See this article for all you need to know about our internal messaging system: NEW: Instant messaging in itslearning

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