Data and Reports Overview



There are several reports built into itslearning. These can be focused on teachers, such as the 360 Degree Report giving insights into student progress, activity and achievement. This article is focused on administrators and provides an overview about the reports which can be found in the top menu Administration > Reports. There are two types of reporting - Standard Reporting and Advanced Reporting.

In addition, most key student data, such as learning progress and grades, can be accessed through the Data Warehouse. The data warehouse is designed to be accessed by organisations' analytical systems, which can access the information via the oData standard. Access to this data is part of the optional Advanced Reports.

Standard Reporting

The following reports can be accessed by administrators:

Storage Distribution Report

Logins Report

Course Visits Report

Advanced Reporting

This is an optional service, please reach out to your local Key Account Manager.

Advanced Reporting content a set of detailed visual reports aimed at school authorities who want to view data from all schools. It is a suite of report templates that provide insight into user engagement, curriculum management, and student progress. These are currently geared towards administrator use, and enable comprehensive views across a department or grade level, school, or an entire site. Each template has a set of standard views and filters that should be useful for most customers. You can choose between Template and Customised Advanced Reports.

Reports may be exported in whole or parts of it in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • CSV
  • Image
General Note: Some reports are restricted in time span due to huge amounts of data. Filters (typically on the right side of a report) in most cases only show values for which there are data. You cannot filter logins on an organisation in which nobody logged in during the selected period of time.

Template Advanced Reports

The expanding catalogue of generic reports built by itslearning for all customers to use content the following templates:

Login and session details

Individual user login activity

Course visits

Elements Report

Learning Objectives Alignment Report

The Learning Objectives Progress Report

Grade Book Report

User Status Report

User Course Enrollment

Hierarchy Memberships

Storage Report

User Course Visits

Plans Report

Customised Advanced Reports

In case the Template Advanced Reporting does not fit the customer needs and they may want to filter and aggregate data in ways that are unique to their administrative organization, curriculum, or evaluation programs there can be special reports built.  It will takes technical consultancy.

Data Warehouse

The Data Warehouse is the heart of our reporting solution. Like many such warehouses this information has been 'standardised' so it is easier for 3rd party systems to import and understand. It is updated overnight, so if data is imported today, it is yesterday's data. Customer can get access to the data to analyse in their own reporting solutions. We use the oData standard for this. The Data Warehouse is an optional package, but is part of the Advanced Reporting Suite of Product. Access to the data warehouse is granted via a site setting, any customer who uses Advanced Reporting can enabled it via a request to our Support portal. You can find further information in our Developer Portal with the following link:

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