The Learning Objectives Progress Report


This report quickly gives teachers a view of how well students have mastered learning objectives/standards.

When you have learning objectives aligned with your course, the 'Learning-objectives progress report' is available in Reports.

This report will answer questions such as:

  • Which learning objectives require additional time?
  • Who are the students who are struggling or excelling in the course?
  • What are they struggling with?
  • How has a student developed over time?
  • How did a student score on a single assessment?

Students can also access the report in Status and follow-up. However, students can only see their own progress. In addition to the course report, students also have a report for all subjects (with learning objective assessment) on the start page.

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Mastery scales are set at the school or district level, and while related, the tracking of learning objectives/standards is separate from the Gradebook. You can track standards mastery and not use the Assessment record or you can use the Assessment record  and not track mastery.

There are three activities that track mastery: assignments, tasks and tests.

You will see three tabs in the learning objectives progress report: 

  • learning objectives
  • participants
  • assessments.


  • Learning objectives tab: The first tab of the report will give you insight on the progress on each learning objective, showing the number of students per status. If mastery is enabled for the report, you will also see a progress bar showing the percentage of students in this course who have mastered this objective. By clicking on the name of the objective or a specific status, you will see the information broken down over the individual students. Clicking on a status will open the same page, but with a filter for this status set. 
    • The learning objectives details page shows the status on this learning objective for the different course participants. These participants can be filtered on group, but it is also possible to filter on one or more statuses. 
    • Note: When opening this page from the Learning objectives overview page, you will see the latest assessment for each student. When you open this page from the Assessment details page, you will see the outcome for that assessment for each student. 
  • Participants tab:This tab shows the students in the course and their progress on their learning objectives. For each of the statuses you will see the number of objectives with this status for the student. If mastery is enabled in the report settings, you will also see a progress bar showing the percentage of the objectives mastered by each student. 
    • Click on the name of a student on the Participants tab, and you will see the progress of this student for each of the learning objectives in this course. For each learning objective you will see the description, a bar chart showing the assessment progress and the status based on the last assessment. Finally - if mastery is used - you will see an indicator showing whether or not the objective has been mastered. Please note that a dotted line in the bar chart represents the mastery threshold and is not shown if mastery is disabled.  
    • By clicking on a status or by selecting one or more statuses in the Status filter, you will be able to limit the report to learning objectives with this status. This way, you can easily see with which objectives this student struggles with and where they are excelling. 
  • Assessment overview:The assessment tab shows all activities with learning objective assessment. When opening an assessment, the learning objectives assessed with this activity are shown with the number of students within each assessment outcome status.
    • Clicking on a learning objective or an outcome status will open the learning objective details page, but with this assessment selected in the Assessment filter.  '


Accessing report settings

To manage the learning objectives report settings, you must have the user rights to Manage learning objectives report settings. By default only system administrators have this right. 

Contact your support department if this setting is missing.

With this access, the option Manage settings for learning objectives reports becomes available when you open the  Administration tab.


A system administrator will have the possibility to set or change the report settings for all organizations that exist in the hierarchy. Other users with this user right will only see the organisations they are the administrator of.

By default all schools use the same settings as the site. However, it is possible - by clicking the 'Define new link' - to create different settings. In addition, those schools that are using different settings can be reset to the site settings by clicking the 'Revert to default' link.

Available settings

The following settings can be determined in the report:

  • Assessment outcome statuses
  • Default achievement levels
  • Mastery

Assessment outcome statuses

By default only the statuses 'Does not meet' and 'Meets' will be used in the report. 

The labels for these statuses can be changed and the break point (in percentage) between them can be changed. Up to 5 different statuses can be enabled and their labels can be adjusted to meet the terminology used in the organisation.

Default achievement levels

Achievement levels can be seen as the 'columns' of an assessment rubric. By default there are 4 levels - 'Advanced', 'Proficient', 'Basic' and 'Below basic'. It is possible to select 2 to 6 levels and change the label. All new courses (from the same organization) will get the default levels from the report settings, but those can be changed by the teacher if needed. Changes to the default achievement levels will not affect existing courses.

In addition to the default settings, there are 2 settings related to criteria based assessment for which the defaults can be set:

  • When you use an assessment scale in addition to criteria based assessment, it is possible to calculate a 'grade' based on this assessment. A teacher can always change the calculated grade manually.
  • You can choose to show or hide the outcome status of a learning objective - for instance 'Meets' - to students in addition to the criteria based assessment. 


Without the use of Mastery, the report will - in exception of the assessment details page - only show the status of the last assessment. This because the last assessment best reflects the student's current level.

With mastery, you can select one of the statuses as threshold and specify how many times this threshold needs to be reached before a learning objective is considered 'mastered'. This recurrence is commonly used to ensure that a student demonstrates 'proficient' behaviour more than once to proof that this behaviour (mastery) is consistent.

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