Release notes Toetsmodule (2021)

De nieuwe testmodule wordt sinds december 2020 geleidelijk aan uitgebracht aan gebruikers. Op deze pagina vindt u release notes van 2021. (Om te zien wat de nieuwe testmodule kan, leest u de Nieuwe testmodule overzichtspagina.)


Toets v1.15 (December)

  • Kleine technische update en bugfixes.

Toets v1.14 (December)

  • Beveiligingsupdates en bugfixes,inclusief het probleem dat tekst wordt afgebroken in meerkeuze antwoorden.

Toets v1.13 (November)

  • Nieuw vraagtype toegevoegd, Aanwijsvraag (eerder: Hotspot). Zie voor meer informatie de pagina met vraagtypes.
  • Gedeelde scores voor meerkeuzevragen.
  • Forceren van Test mode browser update. Als de Test Mode Browser na de zomer niet werd geüpdate, moeten studenten dat nu doen om toetsen te kunnen maken met de Test Mode Browser. De minimum versie is nu ingesteld op (Windows, zowel studenten als lab versies) / (Mac), zoals aangekondigd in de release notes voor R120.  
  • CKeditor updates - afstemmen op het itslearning web
  • Bugfixes

Toets v1.12 (September)

  • Verbetering van het 'matchen van vragen' zodat een leerling nooit de volledige en juiste antwoorden krijgt voorgeschoteld door de randomizer.
  • Forceer een update van Testmodebrowser. Studenten moeten de downloadlink in de testtool gebruiken om te upgraden. Als u de Windows Lab-versie gebruikt, neem dan contact op met itslearning global support voor een bijgewerkt installatiebestand (versie Deze wijziging is niet van invloed op de iPad- en Chromebook-versies van de testmodusbrowser.  
  • Beveiligingsupdates
  • Bug fixes getoond als autosuggestie in 'Vul in' vragen, dropdowns in selecteer uit een lijst vragen werken niet als de instructietekst erg lang is en als er taal issues zijn.

Toets v1.11 (Juli)

  • Bug fixes for images disappearing in Test Mode Browser and results exports not including all attempts. 

Toets v1.10 (Juli)

  • Improvements to autosave in open answer questions. Content is now saved when the user stops typing for 2 seconds and you can continue from where you left off (even on a different computer). Text appears under editor showing draft is saved (see screenshot below). This feature is only available in student attempts (does not show when a teacher reviews the test).

    Known issue being worked on: Issue with autosaved content if the attempt is automatically submitted due to the passing of the deadline or visibility end time before student is able to submit the test. 

  • Option to make changes after user starts test. 
    • Change the question score
    • Change the category of a question
    • Change the category score
  • Results of submitted attempts will be recalculated when changes are confirmed and saved. The results cannot be undone (unless manually changed).
  • Note:  If you have already scored a question manually, you cannot set the new question max score to a value lower than the highest score you have given any student. If you have already scored a question manually, you cannot change the category score if the category contains manually scored questions. If you change the category of a question, you could potentially change the distribution of questions for some students compared to your setup when drawing from categories, if their selection contained this question.
  • Anonymous submission of tests -Works in a similar way as it does in assignment - for the teacher to manually assess student work without seeing the identity of the student. Anonymous submissions can be used in combination with other security measures for the test such as password protection or use of test mode browser. When this option is enabled, teachers will only see a scrambled key instead of the student's name. This also includes the results export file. Students are informed that the test is anonymous in the test information.
  • Security updates
  • Bug fixes

Toets v1.9 (Juli)

  • Bug fixes

Toets v1.8 (Juni)

  • Password protection: When creating or editing a test, add a password in the Test security section of the settings. The setting is off by default. The alphanumerical password can consist of between 1 and 32 characters. The password setting and the password is retained when a test is copied, and can be edited by any user who has edit permission to the test. Password tests can be used in the test-mode browser. The password can be changed even after someone has started the test, and ongoing attempts will continue to work. The new password will be required for anyone trying to start or continue the test after the password change was saved. (Dependency on general release on June 12, 2021)
  • Bug fixes

Toets v1.7 (Mei)

  • Bug fixes

Toets v1.6 (April)

  • Updated Test Mode Browser version in the download link for Windows ( and Mac OS ( Download button for new version is found on the test start page. Chromebooks and iPads are not affected. 
  • Note: this version will be set as the new minimum version in a future release.
  • Performance improvements - optimising queries and improving use of cache.
  • Support for eQuatIO (ongoing work across platform) 
  • Bug fixes

Toets v1.5 (Maart)

  • Improved accessibility for Either/Or questions
  • Bug fixes

Toets v1.4 (Januari)

  • Categories: Group questions by topic, difficulty or other criteria. A category has a title and a score, and that score is assigned to all questions in that category. Set tests to randomly pick a sub-set of questions from each category for each student. You cannot select which questions to pick, but the number of questions. Categories tab appears after test is created. We recommend adding categories first and then questions. Max score is determined by the setting in the category.  
  • Bug fixes

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