Planner - short version

Creating a plan

In course overview, click "Create plan"

Add content to your plan

When you have clicked "Create plan", the window below will open. In it you can see several fields where you can add information 

Add image: This allows you to upload an image from your computer to illustrate your plan. The picture will be shown on the plan, and plan card that will be visible on the overview page when you activate it. PS: You get the best result if the picture is in landscape. 
Add title: What should your plan be called? It differs a lot how people use the planner, so this could be everything from the week you are in, to the subject at hand.  
Add date: A popup window will give you the option to enter a date (and time) for activation, and deactivation, of your plan. You can also connect the plan to specific events in the calendar (for instance, if you want to use this plan in the course on monday and wednesday, but another plan on tuesday).
Add topic: Topics are used to group your plans and provide structure - think of it as tagging your plan. The topics can be predefined, or you can create them. This can be useful if you have a basic and advanced part of the topic in different plans. 
The plan is not visible to students until you either toggle this button, or the date of activation has arrived.
The description lets you make a description of your current plan. This can be used to provide your students with context to the plan. 
When you have connected learning objectives to your course, you can choose from these to show what part of the curriculum you are working with. 
This is where you add content to your plan. The most common resources and activities are in the drop-down menu. If you press "show all", you can see all the resources and activities available.  
For a detailed description on how to use the different elements, go to Course Resources on our help page.

Below is an example of how a plan can look once its been filled in:

On the course overview page, the plan now looks like this:

For more details about the planner, see the planner overview article

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