Migrating content from another LMS to itslearning

It's quite easy to transfer content from another LMS to itslearning. 

We use a tool called the Content Migration Utility(CMU)/Content Integration Tool (CIT) to migrate content from various learning management systems and third party content providers. Parts of the steps outlined here may be possible to automate; please contact your local itslearning team to discuss the possibilities. 


The migration can be done either by itslearning or the customer (the migration tool must be first enabled by itslearning). The tool will automate the loading of items from vendors and content providers to an itslearning course and/or library. The tool is available in 'Apps and Tools'.

Step 1: Migrate Content to your itslearning Course

The tool works only with packages supported by itslearning. a list of supported packages can be found within the tool itself.

Once you have prepared the package for import, you simply click the “Add file” button to add the package to your virtual package directory.


The new file will appear in the section below.

This section shows all packages that are in your virtual directory.

To Proceed click “Select Content” Button which will open the selection tab.


As destination for the content, you must specify a course for migration.

Content that is imported to the course can only be deleted directly from the itslearning course. 

Step 2: Check the progress

Packages are loaded individually (one by one) as they are added to the queue.

The import progress is shown in the "Files in queue" section. (see below)

Any issues will be flagged up as an error and a "View error log" link will appear. Click on the link to see which items were not imported correctly and other possible errors.

Step 3: Delete imported content 

Click the 'Delete' button for the specific package.

screenshot  You will always be asked to confirm this action.


Note: Content loaded to an itslearning course can only be deleted directly from the course.

What to do when these issues/text appear

'Sorry but either this package is not valid or is not in the correct format. Please provide a well formatted package and try again.'

Validate the package. If the package is correct, please contact your system administrator.

'All users must have a sync key (user ID) that is associated with their itslearning account in order to import content.'

Add userSynckey to your account or contact your system administrator.

'Please provide LTI credentials in the LTI key and secret section.'

Package contains LTI links. Please provide key and secret for the LTI links.

'Please select items for import.'

None of the elements were selected. Please select some items for import.

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